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Charity is at our heart

Charitable activity is at the heart of RGS Worcester.  We support a significant number of charities, both local and international. All our endeavours are pupil-led and are an opportunity for students to make a meaningful contribution to society.

pupils at rgs are extremely busy and committed to assisting those in need.

The Charity Committee

The Charity Committee, a group that is made up of pupils from all year groups, takes feedback from their peers to suggest charities the whole school might support and the methods for raising funds.

From supporting Save the Children with the whole School’s involvement in the World Marathon Challenge to Worcester’s Myriad Centre through an Easter Egg Hunt, from supporting the NSPCC with the Fancy Dress Workout to supporting the local Maggs Day Centre through food donations, pupils at RGS are extremely busy and committed to assisting those in need.

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