Fundraising Success 2021/22
With fundraising able to return to some kind of ‘normal’ following Covid-19 lockdowns, the academic year 2021-22 was very successful, raising over £15,000 for various charities. The members of the Charity Committee, so ably led by Kathryn Shaw and Aaron Lad, have been exceptional and their hard work and commitment are much appreciated.
Much of our efforts were directed at raising money for the Ukraine Appeal, with many events at the Senior School which, when added to the funds raised across the RGS Schools totalled over £10,000.
The Sixth Form chose ‘New Hope’ as their charity this year and the Lower School supported Maggs Day Centre with their Harvest Festival donations. RGS supported the Worcester Foodbank with two van loads of food and toiletries donations and supermarket vouchers to the value of £290 and that appeal is on-going.
Two Non-Uniform Days were held, the first for BBC Children in Need in November 2021 which raised £2,110 and the second in March 2022 for Comic Relief, for which a total of £2,500 was split between Comic Relief and the Ukraine Appeal.
Mrs Witcomb and some RGS pupils took part in a 24-hour tennis marathon for ‘Bright Ideas for Tennis’ and raised £2,431.25. At £695.62, the money collected for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal was the largest amount raised for several years. We have also supported Acorns Children’s Hospice, Worcester Snoezelen, Macmillan Cancer Support, Wooden Spoon and Help for Heroes.
Our sincere and grateful thanks go to all of you!
Margaret Sturdy, Pastoral Secretary.