Our Sixth Form Co-curricular Activities
While academic success is key to the ethos of the Private Sixth Form, there is also a wealth of co-curricular activity on offer: sports, drama, music and debating to name a few.
Encouraging Leadership
Sixth Form students are encouraged to take the lead in these aspects of the School, leading and conducting music groups, taking lead roles in drama productions, supporting and leading House activities, and taking on the Captaincies of the senior sports teams. This broadens Sixth Formers’ experience and gives them an opportunity to display initiative, exercise responsibility and lead younger pupils.
Activities include:
BISMARCK Modelling Club |
Drama |
Board games |
Outreach in local schools |
Chess Club |
Fencing |
Christian Union |
Film Society |
History |
Charities |
Literary Society |
Community Service |
Music |
Dance |
Trampolining |
Debating and Public Speaking |
War Games Society |
Duke of Edinburgh Award |
Work Experience and Job Shadowing |
If a Sixth Form student identifies a club or society they would like to start, then this will certainly be considered.
teams receive specialist coaching from leading coaches, including former national and international players.
Games in the Sixth Form
Games is provided for Sixth Form students for one afternoon each week. The range of activities is broad and includes Athletics, Badminton, Cricket, Cross-country running, Dance, Football, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rowing, Rugby, Sailing, Health related exercise, Rounders, Dancercise, Fitness and Tennis. In addition, there is a comprehensive programme of fixtures with other schools in a variety of sports, many of which occur on Saturdays. Teams train each week and receive specialist coaching from leading coaches, including former national and international players.
The School runs over 175 trips annually, many open to Sixth Form students, as well as some which are exclusive to them. There are regular sports tours for senior teams: recently, the Rugby squad visited South Africa, the Netball teams visited New Zealand, and the Cricket team went to Sri Lanka. In addition, the Duke of Edinburgh Award includes canoeing, kayaking and sea kayaking expeditions, and in the past few years, they have visited the Scottish Lochs, the Swedish lakes around Stockholm, Croatia, and one group paddled around Crete. The School has also taken a number of trips to Cern in the past few years, giving students a chance to see groundbreaking scientific research.
The Drama department runs a full programme of theatre trips, roughly one every month, encouraging Drama students and those simply interested in the theatre to broaden their experience. There is a termly trip to Birmingham Symphony Hall run by the Music department. In addition, several departments run subject-specific trips to enhance students’ learning, such as the Geography field trip to North Wales and the Politics and Economics department’s recent visit to Washington and New York.
The very strong Debating Society takes teams out to competitions around Britain several times each term and regularly performs at the highest level nationally in the English Speaking Union, Cambridge Union and Oxford Union competitions, often qualifying for the national finals in a year. The School has a long tradition of raising money for charity, and the Sixth Form students, through the Charity Committee, take a leading role in organising events. In addition to the sums of money raised, the Committee plays an important part in raising awareness for various charitable causes amongst the pupils.
the school runs over 175 trips annually, many open to sixth form students, as well as some which are exclusive to them.